Tractor Books
- Tractors at Work (Farming Press) 1994
- Â Ford Tractor Conversions (Farming Press) 1995
- Tractors at Work Volume Two (Farming Press) 1995
- Roadless (Farming Press) 1996
- Change on the Land (Farming Press) 1997
- County (Farming Press) 1997
- Ford Tractor Story Part One (Japonica Press / Old Pond Publishing) 1998
- Ford Tractor Story Part Two (Japonica Press / Old Pond Publishing) 1999
- A Tradition of Service (New Holland) 1999
- Ferguson Tractor Story (Old Pond Publishing) 2000
- Tractors in Britain (Japonica Press) 2001
- Doe Tractor Story (Old Pond Publishing) 2001
- David Brown Tractor Story Part One (Old Pond Publishing) 2003
- Revolutionay Tractor Heroes (Kelsey Publishing) 2012
- British Tractors 1945-1965 (Herridge & Sons) 2013
- David Brown Tractor Story Part Two (Old Pond Publishing) 2014
Tractor Videos/DVDs
- Roadless Tractors (Farming Press) 1996
- County Tractors (Farming Press) 1997
- Ferguson Tractors (Old Pond Publishing) 1998
- Ferguson on the Farm Part One (Old Pond Publishing) 2001
- Ferguson on the Farm Part Two (Old Pond Publishing) 2002
- Ferguson on the Farm Part Three (Old Pond Publishing) 2003
- Giants of the Field (Old Pond Publishing) 2003
- County Tractor Working Days (Old Pond Publishing) 2004
- Fordson Farming (Old Pond Publishing) 2006
- International at Doncaster (Old Pond Publishing) 2008
Those titles still in print can be ordered direct from the relevant publisher. Some Farming Press titles are available through Old Pond Publishing.