We buy and sell tractor brochures and manuals. Specialising in original tractor brochures for collectors, Gibbard Tractors has been established for nearly 40 years. In that time, we have amassed a wealth of knowledge on the subject and continually source rare items and some of the choicest brochures from across the world.
We supply sales brochures and manuals for tractors and a wide range of farm machinery, combines and implements. Items are original and we don’t sell copies or reprints unless stated. We also have extensive stocks of literature for steam traction engines, earthmoving machinery, horticultural and garden machinery, Land Rovers, cars, trucks and vans. A selection of early books including rare titles on tractors, farming and early machinery is always available. Our items date from the 1850s to the present day.

Tractor Brochures
Tractor Booklets and Literature
As the name suggests, Gibbard Tractors’ business focuses on tractor literature – brochures, instruction books and manuals. Many owners like to have an original instruction or parts manual to go with their machines, but they are also sought after by serious collectors who value their historical content.
Tractor sales brochures have become very extremely collectible, and account for the bulk of our sales. They are collected both for their historical content and because they are attractive items in their own right. Not only are brochures colourful and beautifully-produced, but they can also be scarce material and hard to find. For this reason, the rarer ones often command high prices, but with less common ones selling for just a few pounds, it can also be an inexpensive hobby.
Brochures are an invaluable source of reference for the historian and the tractor restorer. There is no better guide to getting the details and colours correct on your machine or model than the manufacturer’s own publication.
Tractors are only part of the story, and we also supply literature for farm machinery, combines, earthmoving and construction equipment, engines, vehicles, steam engines and threshing machinery. Items date from the 1850s to the present day – and some are incredibly rare.
Gibbard Tractors also stock early and out-of-print books on tractors, machinery, farming and a wide range of other subjects, as well as ephemera and collectibles such as badges, posters, calendars and promotional items.
Our Prices Reflect The Market Value And Rarity Of The Items And Are Usually Less Than Auction Prices
We try to source items in the best possible condition considering the age of the material. We specialise in mail order and can post worldwide. Our website can only list a small percentage of our stock. If you don’t see what you are looking for, contact us with your requirements and we will endeavour to assist.